Friday, September 08, 2006

Fashion/Style Tips

I've realized that most people don't really know what to do when it comes to buying or wearing clothes. They may have looked good at first, but after time their style fades and they end up looking like a midwestern elementary school teacher (no offense to any actual midwestern elementary school teachers). So I've come up with some tips that I use when dealing with buying clothes.

-Pay attention to fit
From what I've seen, the fit of clothing changes more often than the actual style. Clothes that are fitted according to the season seem fresher and more updated versus those that are not. More tailored and fitted clothing is more popular now in both casual and dress wear. Loose fitting clothing should be reserved for rap stars and teenagers.
-Don't Always Be Cheap
Finding a good bargain is always awesome, but sometimes you have to spend the money and pay regular price too. Don't buy items because they are on sale. Only buy them because you actually like them and would buy it regardless of price. This also goes with the sizing issue, it seems that many who do buy sale items have to settle for a less than ideal size (either too big or too small) and the end up looking like they don't know how to dress themselves. Don't buy something not in your size because it is on sale either.
-Brand Logos aren't that great
Try to avoid wearing clothes with giant logos on them. You aren't being paid to advertise. If you do happen to like a shirt or jacket with the logo on it, do not pair it with a hat or other article of clothing with a logo. It doesn't matter if it's the same brand or not, it looks tacky and you look like a walking billboard.
-Choose you own clothes
Buy clothes that you could actually see yourself wearing. Don't buy them because they look good in the store window or in magazine ads. Also, avoid buying an entire outfit off of the display. You don't want to go out and see someone else who did the same thing and looks like you from head to toe.
-Throw Out Old Clothes
Some people say that they don't need new clothes because they have a closet full of clothes already. My advice is to get rid of the old stuff. The general rule is if you haven't worn sometihng in the last 6 months, then get rid of it; donate them. However, I guess with weather patterns it might be a good idea to extend that to 1 year, if you live somewhere with changing seasons.
-Buy In Season
It may sound simple enough, but people actually don't listen to their own heads. If it's the end of summer, do not keep buying shorts and flip flops. The reason that these items are on sale is because people won't be able to wear them soon. Also avoid telling yourself that you will wear it next year. Most likely, you will not, and there is no telling what will be considered in or out in a year's time.
Giant athletic shoes (i.e. crosstrainers and basketball shoes) should only be worn for athletic activity. Wear casual sneakers and shoes that are more low profile for casual wear. It's also very important to keep your shoes clean. Dirty shoes can throw off an entire outfit.



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